"Consistent, Reliable, Lead Generation Marketing And Sales Copy For Professional Service Businesses And Entrepreneurs".
Platinum Master Mind

Join an elite group of smart business owners and entrepreneurs that come together to share marketing strategies and fuel success.

Accelerated Business Marketing Platinum Membership.

This Is A Marketing, Mentor, Mastermind Group Exclusively For Highly Qualified, Highly Motivated And Highly Determined Entrepreneurs And Business People.

This is not for you if you are thin skinned, weak hearted or someone that can’t take constructive criticism.

Being a member of this group gives you access to other highly successful business owners and entrepreneurs that aren’t happy staying in their comfort zone.

To qualify for membership, you must meet the following criteria:

1.      You must be coachable. You don’t know what you don’t know. As a member, you must want to learn new marketing strategies and be willing to implement them into your business where appropriate.

2.      You already have a data base that you can market to or have a purchased list of at least 1000 names of your ideal client.

3.      You currently invest in marketing and advertising for your business.

4.      Your annual turnover for the last two financial years exceeds $1,000,000. Documentation will need to be provided.

5.      You are to attend and participate in at least 5 of the 7 group meetings. For every member to receive maximum benefit from the group, all members must contribute. 

6.      You must be willing to share profitable marketing campaigns with the group.


So what can you expect from becoming a member during the course of the 12 months…

#1: EVERY PLATINUM MEMBER gets their business dissected, examined, worked on, with focus of their choosing, in an extended “HOT SEAT”. This is where you will be asked questions you may not like by the other members. Questions that will ensure your decisions are based on factual evidence and not emotion. Problems you are facing will be discussed by the group and advice given.

Everyone benefits from the probing of each other’s businesses, marketing, challenges and opportunities. Looking “inside” up to 15 different businesses all using different business models, sales methods and media is a great “accelerator” of your own knowledge – and certain to produce “Ah-Ha!” moments: gee, why aren’t I doing THAT?  Hey, I could add THAT! etc.

#2: SPECIAL “HOW TO” MARKETING WORKSHOP SESSIONS are prepared to meet the needs and interests of the Members. This is in-depth Training CUSTOMIZED for this Group each session!

#3: “INSIDE ACCELERATED BUSINESS MARKETING’S” strategies, campaigns and the results, resources, contacts and opportunities exclusively for Platinum members. We will let you in on what’s working and not working for us and how you can implement our successful campaigns. You’ll get “VIP Access” to strategies used for online launches, events, new product development, retention and ascension improvements and so much more.

#4: THREE MASTERMIND+WORKSHOP MEETINGS spaced during the year, led and facilitated by Accelerated Business Marketing’s founder, Mick Kenny. Mick built up his first business in the fitness field by using direct response marketing strategies which evolved into him starting Accelerated Business Marketing.

He is well-versed in offline, online and integrated media, copy writing, marketing strategies and finding multiple avenues of income stream possibilities in your business. With Mick’s knowledge and experience, and the benefit of drawing on up to 14 other marketers’ minds and experiences, your business is guaranteed success. These meetings will be held in various locations throughout the year, depending on member’s locations. Each meeting will be a full productive day, uninterrupted by outside influence.

#5: FOUR ONLINE CONTENT + Q/A CONFERENCE GROUP MEETINGS with me Mick Kenny. Spaced evenly throughout the year between the face to face mastermind workshops, these online meetings are to keep the accountability between the group and to focus on any obstacles and new marketing strategies. These are opportunities to discuss marketing with me, in small-group calls.

#6: COMPREHENSIVE COPY CRITIQUE of any marketing piece or package, offline or online media, by Mick and his team.

#7: All GOLD MEMBERSHIP privileges including our monthly newsletters and marketing insights.


There is also the mastermind value. Three focused, facilitated meetings with a like-minded group of forward-thinking and innovative marketers in varied fields, categories and industries, all strong at different aspects (maybe weak at different aspects), each running their own experiments and tests and initiatives, sharing those results, each bringing different “discoveries” of strategies, resources, solutions to problems. THIS IS A WAY TO VASTLY SPEED UP YOUR ACQUISITION OF EXPERIENCE. On top of that, the stimulus and spontaneous, unexpected “light bulbs” that only come from looking under the hood of MANY businesses, contributing your probative questions and ideas to each one. THIS IS AN “IDEA EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT” unlike any other. Mastermind


If you meet the above criteria, we invite you to apply for a Platinum membership. Membership is strictly by application only and limited to 15 members.

To apply, fill in your details below and we will email you a Platinum Membership Questionnaire Form. Complete the questionnaire and return it to our office for appraisal. Once we have received your information, we will call you personally for a 15 minute discussion about your commitment as a Platinum member and your investment options. If we believe your business matches our strict criteria, we will process your application and welcome you as our newest Platinum member.

Fill In Your Details To Apply For A Platinum Master Mind Membership.
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